ENERGY Nutrition



Personal Project


Graphic Design, Branding, 3D, Animations


Supplements for more experienced individuals are an essential element of support in a healthy and active lifestyle. Aimed at people who take care of their fitness and strive to achieve higher goals, these specially formulated products offer versatile benefits. With their support, experienced fitness and sports enthusiasts can maximize their potential and achieve even better results in their physical activities.


The brand offers supplements exclusively in capsule form to ensure convenience during consumption. The unique logo of the brand refers to the capsule symbolism, representing not only ease of use but also the effectiveness of the products. With this innovative form, the supplements provide practical support for individuals who care about their health and fitness, enabling them to achieve even better results in their endeavors.


The product packaging is designed in a minimalist style, characterized by vibrant and dynamic colors. This modern aesthetic gives the products a unique image, capturing attention and setting them apart on the shelf. The combination of minimalist design with intense colors not only provides an aesthetic experience but also reflects the energy and dynamism that these supplements offer. With these exceptional packaging designs, the brand not only delivers high-quality products but also evokes positive emotions and encourages an active lifestyle.

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